Poem: Mother’s Tribute©

Before-word: I wrote this piece for my mom a few years ago. There isn’t a gift I could give my mom that would be adequate or commensurate to the gifts she’s given me. So I live my life in tribute to her, all I am and all I accomplish are the gifts to this amazing woman chosen to be my mother!

You carried me beneath your heart
Cared for me from the very start
Cradled safely in your arms
Protected from growing-up storms
All I’ve accomplished and all that I am
Is because you taught me how to stand
Firm and strong, you laid a foundation
Of high morals and self-determination
Sacrificed yourself so I was defined
Gave up your dreams to nurture mine
Instilled in me the will to believe
That I can be all I wanted to achieve
So to you, Mother, this tribute I convey
No gifts or words can fully say
Me, all that I am and all I will do
My life, dear Mom, is my tribute to you

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In creative solidarity, Dee

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