The Climb. The Zenith. The Cairn.

One thing that’s kept me sane and connected throughout the pandemic is being in green open spaces.

Mother’s Day was spent hiking in the wonderful Palisades Interstate Park. Running up leaf-covered hillsides, balancing across water-logged walk paths, conquering rocky terrains, swinging from trees in carefree abandon—my inner child came out to play.

The changes in scenery dynamically alter between water and woodland with idyllic spots along the way, enough to lull your mind into that state of perfect happiness—nirvana.

And then there was the climb

—steep and winding up the mountain.

Absolutely worth the ‘burn’ for the reward of picturesque views from the zenith.

At the mountaintop is the Women’s Federation Monument.

The castle-like structure overlooks the river with great views in all directions.

A climb up the stairs to the second floor…

… gives even greater views of the city far far below.

To complete the perfection of the hike, a 10-week old corgi named Luna took a liking to me.

I said a prayer along the way …

… and left a small marker—the cairn. Three stones built atop a boulder—each stone symbolically saying: “I Am Here”.

2021 createdbyDEEsign All Rights Reserved

This post was inspired by Fandango’s One Word Challenge. Today’s word is zenith.

Thank you for reading!

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In creative solidarity, Dee

30 thoughts on “The Climb. The Zenith. The Cairn.

  1. This looks like it was a beautiful day full of adventures. Nature is lovely and it feels nice when surrounded by nature, just taking time to explore all the senses. I love the photos and its a great post to make all of the readers go on the journey with you. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You wrote it?! Ahhhh …I’m impressed Mason. It’s on my reading list for tomorrow ( it’s 118am in my part of the world and I’m just finishing up some urgent work deadlines). Excited to read it 😀🎉😀🎊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Guardian of Treasures – Masons Mind Menagerie

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