Ode to Break-up©

“Love one another, 
but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving
sea between the shores of
your souls”.

Kahlil Gibran

heart-eyes blinded by love
masqueraded like roses
supple red petal flesh
shriveled edges
dried blood-stained
fragile to the touch

breaking up
lives entangled separating
heart from heart disconnecting
intensity like physical cut detaching
like heart cardiac arresting

breaking out
fluid like blood of emotions discharging
toxicity free flowing
hurt, pain, regrets emptying
tears of relief cleansing

breaking through
new beginning

2021 ©createdbyDEEsign. All rights reserved. 

Thank you for reading!

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In creative solidarity, Dee

14 thoughts on “Ode to Break-up©

        1. It’s encouraging to have this kind of feedback. I started the blog in October with no idea about blogging—I just knew I needed to write. But to now have a community to engage with is far better than just writing. Though I’d still write if there was no interaction but it sure does make it better. Thanks deary. Dee

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                1. Hey Grace!! Just realizing I didn’t respond. I try to post every day but sometimes the work days are so hectic I have neither the time or energy after work to think or write. Some weekends I try to write a few places and queue them for the week 😊

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