Why I Write: The Power of the Written Word

Before-word: As I’m spending more time building this blog, I’ve been thinking a lot about writing—the art of writing and the power of the written word. I love to write. And chances are if you’re on this site, you’re a blogger which means you also love to write. Or, you’re here because you love to read. Either way, I hope you enjoy this short piece where I share the reasons why I write and the value I place on the written word. As well as a poem along the sabe theme, “Writing Is”.

To as far back as I can remember, I wrote what I could not or wished not to vocally express. Words help me unlock what I think and feel subconsciously. And, writing is the process through which I can harmonize and connect my mind (inner thoughts and feelings) with lived experiences.

Writing is a powerful tool—it can create, influence, inform, and communicate. In fact, I’d say it’s arguably the best connector. Writing connects us to each other and it connects stories, experiences and cultures across time and space. When you read the writings of a writer from eons past, for instance, it allows you into her/his mind and into the experiences of that period. In this way writing transcends time.

Writing allows for creative self-expression reflective of the state we’re in. Ideas and experiences change as we grow and what’s once written can be updated with our evolved thoughts, expounding on the past and being influenced by the present.

Because the written word immortalizes thoughts and feelings, as a writer I know I must be authentic. Authenticity requires vulnerability, transparency and truth—first to myself and then to the subject at hand. And writing in this way requires bravery. Bearing all of this in mind when I write, gives my voice a trustworthy platform that I hope readers discern.

When all is said and done though, I write for this one reason: so that my voice does not die within me unexpressed and unheard!

This motivation led me to publish my first book: “Moments: A Poetic Heart Journey”, and it’s also the drive in building this blog.

Thank you for reading!

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In creative solidarity, Dee

58 thoughts on “Why I Write: The Power of the Written Word

  1. Pingback: Writing Is ©Dawn Minott |a Quatrain-Senryu – Poems & More

  2. Writing is special to me too. I love how you have captured many of the reasons why a person has the urge to write. I started to write after I had a stroke (2012) and realised that I couldn’t put it off “until I had the time” because my time will, at some point run out. I went to a creative writing workshop in Jan 2013 and that’s where it began. Recently I have been thinking I’d like to write more about my Faith . It’s not easy as it’s the most real me, so I don’t quite know how that’ll go. I do keep a journal which goes deeper but even that is controlled in case anyone should happen on it. Anyway, I’ll carry on thrashing it out with The Lord for now. Blessings dear one. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Marian. So wonderful to read from you. It took a couple days to reply. I was bombarded with work and wanted to have enough time to respond in kind to your thoughtful response to my post. So now is the time 😉

      I too went through the struggle (at least it was for me) of being unsure if i should put myself out there and i knew I must if I’m to write authentically. In fact I used a pseudonym/derivative of my name (Dee Min) on this blog up to about a month ago. Oct 3 will be 2 yrs of this blog and it took me almost that time to associate my full name with the site. I use my “Shabbat Shalom” posts to feed in the spiritual but as a Christian I think the spiritual comes through in everything I write, or at least I hope so. As you continue on your journey with God I know you’ll find the right time and right way to share what’s laid on your heart.

      Happy to know you found your writing voice after what must have been a life altering experience (stroke) for you.

      I look forward to reading from your site.


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