In One Fell Swoop…

In a State where anyone has the freedom and the right to openly carry guns in public without a permit or training…

In a State where everyone has the freedom and right not to wear masks, though there are well over three MILLION Covid cases and almost 58 THOUSAND deaths…

In that same State, women do NOT have the freedom or choice over their bodies.

According to law, ANY pregnancy in which a heartbeat is detected cannot be aborted.

And it goes further to effectively incentivizes the public to police abortions.

In that same State where one cannot, by law, require someone to wear a face covering to save life, you can, by law, EARN a $10,000 award for any successful lawsuit to stop an abortion.

This has led to the widening schism across religious, moral, political and practical beliefs; between Republicans and Democrats; between pro-choice (those who believe that everyone has the basic human right to decide when and whether to have children) and pro-life (those who oppose abortion).

I wonder 🤔 — how different would this be if men could get pregnant and carry babies ….

Written for Melanie’s Word of the Day Challenge, the prompt word is schism.

Thank you for reading.

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In creative solidarity, Dee

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