BirthMONTH—Day 15: I Affirm Today to Live IN Purpose | a Senryu

Made by God’s Spirit

Almighty’s breath giving life

Living in purpose

Why do I celebrate my birthday or do something meaningful to mark the day?

It’s for one reason only:

My birthday is a reminder of the moment in time that God designated as “mine”.

I was born with a purpose-tag on me, and every day I’m afforded life it’s a reminder that my purpose-tag is still valid—there is more for me to do.

That’s also the same for you: you are purposed.

For me, celebrating or marking the day is not about the gifts or the good wishes; it’s more like a life check-in. First as a way to tangibly express appreciation for life; and, second as a reaffirmation of my purpose.

So, I receive the sentiments behind birthday gifts or good wishes as an attestation that I made a difference or somehow positively impacted the lives of the people around me. If I have, then it’s partly a confirmation that I’m living my purpose and that’s worthy of marking that my life matters to God and to those around me.

That’s also the same for you, your life matters. Live IN your purpose.

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In creative solidarity, Dee

11 thoughts on “BirthMONTH—Day 15: I Affirm Today to Live IN Purpose | a Senryu

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