Not Old, Evolving My Dear—Ode to my Birthday ©Dawn Minott

Beforeword: I once said to my sister: “I’m getting old”. Her response was: “you’re evolving”. Her insightful response formed the basis of this poetic tribute to my birthday —“Not Old, Evolving My Dear”

Hello baby me 💗😊💗
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In creative solidarity, Dee

27 thoughts on “Not Old, Evolving My Dear—Ode to my Birthday ©Dawn Minott

  1. Happy Birthday sistah Queen! No girlfriend, you aren’t getting old, you are indeed evolving into greatness. Go on wit’ yo’ bad self! You got a whole year of celebrating to do. So get to it! Hugs and smooches! 🥳🎂💖🎉🎈🎁✨

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    1. Thanks soooo much Ekiza. I appreciate you. You’re one of the very first persons to respond to my work on this site. I remain grateful. Hope you’re well. Was mostly offline these couple weeks so just getting to respond.

      Liked by 1 person

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